Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Come on in...|

Hello my love,

The little loves of life are what I live for. Those stolen moments of peace, laughter and happiness that we all crave. I've been doing the blogging since 2014 but I wanted, no I needed something new. A new chapter of my life to explore and create. I do hope you will enjoy the "Littlelovesoflife" as this isn't just for me. I want this to be a space where everyones welcome, where we all have a voice (so long as we keep respectful of others and spread love not hate). 

It's so easy to get caught up in the drama of life, something I know all too well never ends up having a happy ending. I will admit. I am a handful, I don't know when to stop talking, my mouth can get me in trouble but I never mean to cause any harm. My mental health is up and down, like everyones. Mostly more down, just this Monday on a lovely trip to Tesco's (I wanted a pair of Marvel joggers, did they have my size? Did they f**k). Whilst browsing the biscuit aisle I broke down, full on sobbing in the middle of the aisle whilst my mum just hurried to pay for her bits and then off home we went. I know exactly why but it made me reflect on who I was and who I had become and I didn't like it anymore. 

So after the most awful couple of days mentally this was born. For me its the little loves in life that get me through, like a hot bath while listening to the Main street USA music (Big Disney nerd) to the simplicity of just being cozied up in bed with a mug of tea ad covered in biscuit crumbs. Life right now is strange, were all being kept from those we love the most. I personally say as long as we're being safe, we need to do whats right for our mental health because I feel we are all struggling with that a little bit. I want this to be filled with the adventures I've been on and will be having, the sweet treats I make that made a bad day slightly better and the raw words of me in full meltdown. 

I'm not shying away from who I am, I'm like a hurricane when my mind is in that place and sadly I leave a path of destruction. This is the start of learning to deal with the storm and righting the wrongs of my past. I do hope that you find some comfort in this little section of the internet. I'm not doing this for the likes, the follows or anything else. I used to think that was important but now I just want to do this for all that know how it feels to feel alone, like they have the weight of the world on their shoulders. We're okay, you're safe here so take the weight off and just find some calm. All the people that like me, cause a little hurricane when they are sad. We're going to be okay. We can do this. 

Speak soon.

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